The Sportsbook Management reserves the right to refuse any wager, and/or delete or limit selections, prior to the acceptance of any wager.
The Sportsbook Management will determine minimum and maximum wagers on all sports events.
Sportsbook Management is not responsible for lost, stolen, altered or unreadable tickets.
Management is not responsible for game sites or date of event. If game site changes or date of the event changes, all bets placed at the first game site or first date of the event have no action and will be refunded, unless stated otherwise in the individual sports rules.
In the event that a gross human or mechanical error(s) occurs, management reserves the right to pay out wager(s) at the correct lines/odds, as determined by the marketplace comparison, at the time of the placement of the wager(s), or refund wager(s).
Management will maintain a record of all point spreads, odds, final score and related betting proposition statistics and outcomes to protect both the patron and the Sportsbook in case of obvious mechanical or human error.
Management will make every reasonable effort to resolve disputes. Any unresolved dispute arising as a result of wagers accepted by the Sport Book shall be resolved as set forth by rules or regulations promulgated by the Grand Ronde Gaming Commission.